Recipe and Recommendations to Prevent and Cure Covid-19 (With Weights.)
Venerable Master Samael Joav Bathor Weor, Venerable Arkangel Miguel says: The treatment is as follows: 5 wells of 15 grams of ginger are taken daily and it is due to this that cypress pine or fir seeds are added to the cooking, those that are like a pineapple but that...
The Truth Will Make Us Free, Master SAMAEL JOAV BATHOR WEOR
ARIES 02 OF ☾☀⌛ 2026 VENUS DAY AFTER THE BIRTH OF THE GREAT SHILOH that is satan ACCORDING TO March 24 of the year 2020, Tuesday Venerable Master Samael Joav Bathor Weor, Venerable Arkangel Miguel says: Venerable Master Machola greets you his servant Samael Joab...
The Truth Of Coronavirus. Veneravle Master SAMAEL JOAV BATHOR WEOR
ARIES 09 OF EL☾☀⌛ 2026 VENUS DAY AFTER EL NASISIERT OR EL GRAN SHILOH Ke according to satan is March 31 of the year 2020, Tuesday Say Master SAMAEL JOAV BATHOR WEOR: Dear listeners of the people of God, his servant Michael, the firstborn of Mother Aphrodite and Master...