Dear Friends of all over the world,

The venerable Master SAMAEL JOAB, great doctor of Universal Medicine is going to offer to mankind the deactivation of any kind of pathogens in the body in order to get health, in order to recover the health through a non-knowledge process, using the power of the word that come from the GOLDEN VERB.

In order to participate each participant need to get a glass of pure water and a small piece of white cloth. While the practice you will have to face EAST, which is the zone where the light comes each day.

How much do you need to pay? Answer: zero money, it means it is free, because this power comes from a divine power.

Invite your family, friends and others to join this important and unique healing event. If you want to do this representing someone who cannot participate for strong reasons, you can use another glass of pure water, if there more than three represented people, I advise you to use a tray to bear the glasses of pure water.

The healing event will be today at 22h00 GMT or 10 PM, GMT. How to participate?

Just connect to the following online radio portals for your language:

#1 –

#2 –

Channel 1: Spanish
Channel 2: English
Channel 3: Mandarin
Channel 4: Russian
Channel 5: German
Channel 6: French
Channel 7: Portuguese
Channel 8: Danish


Hoy de 5pm a 7pm (hora de colombia)… Todos atentos y listos con el vaso con agua y el pañuelo en lo posible de color blanco (no rojo ni negro)….. Para el grandioso alentasierto (sanación) que en el día de hoy tenemos la bondad de volverlo a recibir.; magna bondad de salud que nuestro padre nos va a ofrendar

Todos los que por alguna causa no pudieron hacerlo en el día de ayer, o los que consideren no haberlo realizado bien, tenemos la oportunidad de volverlo a efectuar.

Puedes ingresar en cualquiera de las emisoras y portales

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